TEBA – Texas Elite Baseball Association

Texas Elite Baseball Association (TEBA) is a non-binding, not-for-profit association of baseball organizations from North Tarrant County, Northwest Dallas County, and South Denton County.

Purpose of TEBA

The association is organized exclusively for invited organizations to participate in select-level youth baseball with other organizations.


TEBA’s objective is to provide organized schedules for its member based select-level baseball programs that will be enjoyable, educational, and challenging for all the youth of our local baseball communities. The objective of DFW TEBA is to provide DEVELOPMENTAL select league play. The attainment of exceptional athletic skill and the winning of games are secondary to this objective.


Membership in this association shall be by request and voted upon by association members and would be inline with the goal of furthering the objectives as expressed by the Bylaws.

TEBA is not open to independent or club baseball teams looking for league play. All teams participating are affiliated with a city organization that has been recognized as a member of the Texas Elite Baseball Association.

To be considered for Membership as a city organization into TEBA, please contact us and provide information about your league and your reason for requesting membership.